Thursday, April 5, 2012

100+ Uses for Skin So Soft Oil

I never knew there were so many uses for Skin-So-Soft bath oil.  There were originally 100 uses listed, but I combined a few that were very similiar.  I was most surprised by all the pet uses and bug sprays!

  1. Bath Oil & Moisturizer
  2. Makeup Remover
  3. Tanning Oil
  4. Hot oil treatment to soften cuticles
  5. Massage oil for tired muscles
  6. Cleans off tape marks off skin left from bandages
  7. Cleans ink off skin
  8. Insect Repellent
  9. Helps relieve itching caused by dry skin.  It helps skin retain its elasticity
  10. Clean oil and grease off skin
  11. Painting something?  Use SSS to remove paint from hands
  12. Sooths a light sunburn
  13. Rub with hands before washing, it helps them get cleaner
  14. Rub on dry, cracked skin - helps heal skin in 2-3 days
  15. Put 1-2 caps full in liquid soap and use it for shaving.  Helps razor glide and leaves skin feeling smooth
  16. Pour a little into your Foot Saver to help moisturize your feet
  17. Removes gun from hair, skin, and most surfaces
  18. Cleans permanent ink off stamps
  19. Head Lice!  Saturate the head and let it set for 15 minutes, then rinse under an outdoor facet.  This will loosen the glue which holds the nits to the hair.  Shampoo hair a few times till oil is gone.
  20. Wash hair with shampoo and conditioner like always and after it dries use about a size of a dime of SSS and rub it into your hair.  It goes straight in and leaves hair as as shiny as the ads on TV, not greasy all.
  21. Helps mild cases of psoriasis
  22. Pets!  Put on your pets to keep ticks and fleas away.  Recommended by 'Outdoor Life' magazine. (safe for licking)
  23. Mix 5 parts water, 1 part SSS and mist on animals.  Brushing it in makes their coats gleam.
  24. Rub on your hands before & after working with your pets and farm animals.  It will remove the strong smells.
  25. Black Fly spray for dogs: use as a spray or a dip.  1 cup SSS, 1/2 c liquid detergent, and 3 gallons water.
  26. Hoof Polish. 
  27. Horse mmuzzle, eye, and ear enhancer.
  28. Holds horse braids together great and use on tails as a detangler.
  29. It kills ants instantly.  Use bath oil towelettes - cover window sill to keep ants out
  30. Sponge it around doors, window, and screens to keep the crawling bugs out.
  31. Great wood cleaner and conditioner for natural wood
  32. Removes glue and gum left from price tags and labels from glass, metals, and most plastics
  33. Removes soap scum from shower door and curtains, and bathroom and kitchen figures
  34. Removes lime and hard water deposits from fixtures, tile, shower doors, and windows
  35. Its an oil lubricant for fitting pipe joints that won't slip together
  36. It cleans ink off most vinyl and painted surfaces
  37. It cleans heavy oil and grease from non-porous surfaces
  38. It takes fur off clothing
  39. Rub on brass ornaments or figurines to help keep them from turning dark
  40. Removes crayon from appliances and most painted surface
  41. Wash cupboards with it mixed in your cleaning water to keep ants off and out of the cupboards
  42. Use it to discourage hornets from building their nests.  After using a hornet killing spray, remove the nest and keep the area sprayed with SSS.  They will not rebuild there.
  43. Use it clean leather, it will also keep it soft and supple.
  44. Use it on your air conditioning screen filter - your incoming air will smell fresher and the filter is easier to clean
  45. Cleans paint brushes easily and leaves them soft as new
  46. Removes scuff marks
  47. Use it on running rails for sliding glass doors and windows
  48. Removes 'ring around collar'
  49. Removed liquid nail (paneling glue)
  50. 2 glass bowls stuck together?  Use SSS
  51. Removes candle wax from furniture, carpets, and clothing
  52. Hummingbird feeders: to deter bees try rubbing SSS on the feeder surface by the feeder ports
  53. Furniture Polish
  54. Put in the fertilizer bottle that you attach to your hose, then spray down your back yard.  Will cut down on your ants, mosquito's, and other creepy crawlies.
  55. People in Eureka spray it on their rose bushes to keep the deer from eating them and at the cemeteries on the flowers.
  56. Acts as a fabric softener and keeps bugs off clothes.  Add 1 cupful to a wash
  57. Cleans baseball caps, just spray on and rub with toothbrush.
  58. Keeps worms off of tomatoes!  mix 1 part SSS and 2 parts water (may also add vinegar).  Spray every 2-3 days.
  59. Have a bed wetter?  Spray the bedding and sheets before washing.
  60. Removes tar spots from the car without damages to the paint.
  61. Use to clean vinyl dashboards, seats, & tops.  In not only cleans but keeps it soft and helps to prevent any cracking.
  62. After washing your car, use it as a tire dressing to keep them looking like new.
  63. Put some on a small washcloth and leave in car to help keep the air fresh and clean.
  64. Removes tree sap and tar
  65. Prior to traveling rub SSS on headlights and grill.  Makes insects and bugs easier to remove
  66. Shines vehicle tires
*Skin-So-Soft bath oil is approved by the FDA/CDA only as a both oil.  This list of uses comes from customers.